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2022 Australia DTC Report

By  Andrea Smalling
October 12, 2022

In 2022, instead of conducting its own Wine Direct-to-Consumer survey, Wine Australia reached out to us and our friends, Enolytics, bring new insights to wine businesses on the performance of direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales in Australia. Together, we analyzed transactional, anonymized DTC data specifically within Australia for the fiscal year covering July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

This report expands the applications from individual wineries to the industry as a whole. We’re raising the bar on what’s possible for wine DTC through the power of technology. To conclude the report, we provide some ideas around “What to do today to drive DTC sales”. These are recommendations based on our collective industry experience, as well as our experiences with countless winery clients over the years. They are meant as ideas and thought starters and we hope that you find them helpful as you develop your DTC plans.
Download to discover:

  • Key performance metrics for Australia wineries selling DTC in FY22
  • Hands-on applications for wineries to execute right away
  • And more!

Fill out the form and receive your free copy today. Stay tuned for future updates!

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