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Get Millennials to Buy Your Wine

By  Corinna Wang
October 25, 2022

Millennials are often drawn to wines that are unique, sustainable, and have a story behind them. Natural wines, organic wines, and wines from lesser-known regions or grape varietals tend to pique their interest.

The wine industry is changing all the time - and, frankly, it's hard to keep up. Most recently, we've navigated a drastic change in wine purchasing behavior during the pandemic. As we look to future-proof the DTC wine industry, we also need to consider the changing demographics of wine buyers.

One thing we know for sure is that simply doing what you've always done isn't going to cut it. WineDirect has invested significant time and resources into completely rebuilding our ecommerce, point of sale and wine club software so that you can thrive in the high-growth world of DTC wine.

We're seeing millennials buy more wine

Millennials are - perhaps unsurprisingly - predisposed to purchase bargain wine. Classic wines are inaccessible for a generation with an average income that, owing to multiple recessions and decades of wage stagnation, hovers just above $35,000, says Wine Enthusiast. Not surprisingly, Rosé (typically a lower price point wine) is now seeing higher sales throughout the entire year, not just summer months.

If you compare 2017 to 2021, you can see a shift in the purchasing power of millennials - and, naturally, the strong, yet declining purchasing power of Boomers. We anticipate this trend to continue - and your winery needs to find ways to appeal to an up-and-coming younger demographic.

Cases sold by generation

How to market to millennials

You may need to adapt your marketing strategies and goals to effectively reach the millennial demographic. Unlike Boomers, this group has grown up with technology, and constantly uses it when making purchasing decisions. Millennials crave authenticity, personalization and customization from your marketing efforts. They care deeply about experiences.

Social Media:

Millennials are comfortable buying after a positive and personal interaction on social media. Don't be afraid to highlight your story, products and values on various social channels. Make sure you have a compelling offer or call-to-action. Pull Millennials to your online store by starting on social media where they are most active and engaged.

Utilize Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even TikTok to showcase your wines. Engage with your audience through visually appealing content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interactive posts. Social media influencers can also play a significant role. Partner with influencers who align with your brand values to promote your wines authentically.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing has been around for awhile - and is still very effective for driving sales. To reach Millennials, work to curate wines in small bundles to try, have a compelling offer and make it easy to buy.

After purchase, transactional emails that keep Millennials in the know about their wines' journey, expected delivery and after-sales reviews or feedback help to develop a more loyal purchaser.

Use of Video:

Video packs a big bang for your buck. It allows you to practice storytelling, showcasing your brand beyond asking for the sale. According to Forbes, Millennials prefer video content over text or other digital communications and it's a great way to warm them up for a sale.

Amplify Millennial Voices:

One way to diversify wine’s appeal is to amplify the voices of younger members of the industry. Including and listening to Millennial voices within industry conferences, or asking your Millennial staff their opinions on upcoming campaigns are good starting points.

Inviting Millennials to rate your product or provide feedback for an incentive is a great way to keep them engaged after a sale. Engage with reviewers, showing your appreciation for their feedback, whether it’s positive or constructive criticism. Authentic interactions build trust and credibility, making millennials more likely to consider your wines.

Embrace Innovation and Uniqueness:

Innovation appeals to the millennial mindset. Experiment with unique wine blends, flavors, and packaging. Consider producing limited-edition wines or collaborating with artists and designers for exclusive label designs. Millennials appreciate products that stand out and offer a fresh perspective, so don't be afraid to think outside the traditional wine bottle.

Create Memorable Experiences

Millennials value experiences over possessions. Organize events at your winery, such as wine tastings, blending sessions, or vineyard tours. These experiences provide an opportunity for millennials to connect with your brand on a personal level.


We know that one marketing strategy doesn’t fit all - so you'll need to vary your communications strategy. Reaching millennial audiences and driving sales is easier by connecting with them where they are, focusing on personalization and creating lasting experiences.

Your journey to increased engagement and higher sales starts now! Contact us today for personalized assistance.


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