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How to reduce your winery's shopping cart abandonment

By  Brandon Harvie
October 31, 2023

There is a lot more to wine than simply producing the perfect bottle. The way you present and sell it online can be just as crucial. Have you ever noticed how often potential customers add your wine to their carts only to leave without sealing the deal? You're not alone. The vast world of online shopping is peppered with deserted carts. Research from the Baymard Institute shows that 70.19% of online shopping carts are abandoned. In other words, for every ten customers who add an item to their shopping cart, seven leave without completing the purchase. Let’s uncork the mystery behind this and learn how to keep those bottles rolling to checkout and into your customer’s hands. 

Reasons for cart abandonment 

Picture this: A customer visits your website, browses your exquisite collection, and adds a bottle or two to their cart. But somewhere between adding to the cart and clicking "Purchase," they vanish. Why? Well, the reasons vary, but here are a few of the most common

  • Hidden fees at checkout - Customers often look for transparency in pricing. Unexpected additional costs, such as taxes or shipping fees, can deter potential buyers from completing their purchase. 
  • Complex checkout flow - Ensuring a user-friendly checkout experience is crucial. A multi-step, intricate process can make customers feel lost, much like navigating a wine cellar without a map. 
  • Online payment security - In today's cybersecurity-conscious world, a trusted and secure payment gateway is essential for reassuring customers about their data's safety. 
  • Mandatory account creation - Avoiding forced registration can enhance user experience. The perceived inconvenience of mandatory account creation can deter potential purchases. 
  • Site technical glitches - Addressing website issues promptly is vital. Common problems like site crashes or payment gateway errors can disrupt the purchasing process and erode customer trust. 

But there's good news! With some tried and true strategies, you can keep your customers engaged and excited about completing their purchase. 

Tips to reduce winery online cart abandonment

Here are a few ideas you can use to help reduce shopping cart abandonment: 

  • Transparent pricing model - All associated costs, from taxes to delivery charges, should be explicitly stated. Bundling shipping costs with the product price or introducing free shipping thresholds can stimulate larger order values while preserving transparency. 
  • Intuitive checkout experience - Streamlining the checkout process, offering guest checkout options, and minimizing steps can significantly reduce cart abandonment. 
  • Persistent cart - Persistent Cart makes shopping convenient by automatically associating a shopper's cart to their customer account, allowing shoppers to retrieve their cart from any device. To learn how to enable a persistent cart in the All-New WineDirect, check out the documentation.
  • Robust security infrastructure - Employ reputable payment gateways and prominently display security certifications. This boosts customer confidence and ensures transactional integrity. 
  • Retargeting strategies - Platforms like the All-New WineDirect emphasize more than mere transactions. They foster customer relationships. Effective retargeting, especially reminders about abandoned carts, can enhance conversion rates. Tailored content makes consumers 40% more likely to engage with ads and make a purchase. 
  • Appealing incentives - Strategic promotions, be it in the form of discounts or complimentary offerings, can drive purchase completion. 
    • Ex. Here is an example of how MacRostie Winery reminds potential customers of the savings if they reach the minimum required number of bottles. As well as a complimentary greeting card for gift orders. 
Macrostie Winery DTC shopping ecommerce

Mastering the abandoned cart email

You can efficiently tackle cart abandonment by sending timely follow-up emails to remind shoppers of their pending purchases. Remember, these individuals have already shown interest in your wine and were on the cusp of completing their order. A nudge in the form of an email can often bridge this gap. It's not just an intuitive strategy; data backs its efficacy. An impressive 45% of abandoned cart emails find their way to being opened. From these, 21% of recipients are compelled to revisit their cart, and astonishingly, half of them finalize their purchase. 

With the All-New WineDirect platform, automating abandoned cart emails has never been easier. Customize your sending routine, introduce promotions, and more. A best practice is to have a series of sufficiently spaced emails. Here is an example of a series of abandoned cart emails and the goal around them:

  • First email – Sent one hour after a cart is abandoned 
    • Goal: Address any potential technical glitches or barriers that might have deterred the customer from finalizing their purchase. 
  • Second email – Sent one day after a cart is abandoned 
    • Goal: Remind customers why the items were in their cart. This is the ideal opportunity to delve into product details, incorporate testimonials, and spotlight key features or unique selling propositions of your wine selection. 
  • Third email – Sent two days after a cart is abandoned 
    • Goal: Elevate the incentive to purchase. This could be in the form of a discount code or by highlighting cost-saving opportunities like hitting a free shipping threshold. 
Abandoned Cart Emails WineDirect

Let’s do a quick deep dive into more best practices. Below is a breakdown from a WineDirect store highlighting five key elements every effective abandoned cart email should include: 

WineDirect abandoned cart email
  1. Personal touch in the greeting - Stand out in your customer's inbox with a personal touch. Use their name. It differentiates your email from the generic ones they are accustomed to ignoring. 
  2. Clarity in purpose - Ensure the recipient knows the email's intent immediately. A brief, straightforward explanation can go a long way. 
  3. Visual memory nudge - Remind them of what they left behind. A visual or a list of the products in their cart can reignite their initial interest. 
  4. Enticing incentive - Everyone loves a good deal. Sweeten the proposition by tossing in a discount code. It might just be the nudge they need to finalize the purchase. 
  5. Direct call-to-action - Make the next step clear. Add a prominent button or link directing them straight to their cart, ensuring a smooth journey to checkout. 

Empower your customer's journey with valuable insights

Every time a customer leaves without purchasing, they provide valuable feedback. Dive deep into analytics. Is there a specific step in the checkout process where most customers drop off? Maybe it's time to revisit that step. Regularly reviewing and adjusting based on these insights can drastically improve the user experience and, in turn, your sales. 

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Online retail, much like winemaking, is a blend of art and science. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, some tested strategies and insights can set you on the path to success. With WineDirect's tools and expertise and a splash of your brand's unique essence, there is every reason to believe in a future with fewer abandoned carts and more celebratory toasts. 

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